Jewish Megadonors Pick Marco Rubio As Their Go-To Goy For More Zionist Wars And Schemes?

Adelson picks Rubio as his go-to Goy
Addison picks Rubio as his go-to Goy –  Florida Senator Marcio Rubio (L) has won the support of Nevada’s biggest newspaper, owned by Sheldon Adelson (R). (photos: Justin Sullivan and Ethan Miller/Getty Images, via JTA)

Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof on the incredible treachery of Cruz and Rubio

Dr. Duke started the show by revealing that the Obama administration is planning on settling some 10,000 Middle Eastern refugees in Montana, a move designed to destroy one of the last bastions of traditional European Americans. He also disclosed that a high-ranking German official has called for making Arabic a mandatory subject for German schoolchildren in order to smooth the resettlement of migrants.

He then brought on Rev. Mark Dankof for a discussion of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Rev. Dankof spelled out Rubio’s financial ties to Jewish megadonors and listed the Zio policies that Rubio sold them, which necessarily will lead to World War III. He also pointed out that Rubio’s campaign slogan comes straight from the Project for a New American Century, the neocon think-tank that planned Bush’s 9-11 policies. They then went on to read a long list of Ted Cruz’s deep pocket Jewish backers, so many of whom are actually cultural Marxists! Cruz, the pathological liar, is the perfect vehicle for Zionists who want to destroy traditional Christian values.

This is a show you must hear and spread widely!
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