Who Does Obama Mass Murder For? Obama Kills 875 People Per Week

Mass Murderer Obama

Who Does Obama Mass Murder For? Obama Kills 875 People Per Week

Russian Protest Video: Obama Kills 875 People Per Week

The anti-Obama propaganda fills the streets and universities in Russia.

This video was released this week by Russian students.

STOP OBAMA! Студенты России призывают остановить Барака Обаму


Video Below: Obama = killer? Activists put provocative banner opposite US embassy in Moscow

Video Below: ‘Obama Killer No.1’: Activist Video Slams US President

Related Video: Obama:”I Am Really Good At Killing People”

The Russians should know what evil and mass murder is because they had the same evil that is behind Obama in charge or their government at one time. The same evil is now pushing the US and the West to go to war with Russia. Get the answer of who that EVIL is by watching the videos below.

Related Video: The Secret Behind Communism

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